Code of Conduct


 Our Mission

St Joseph Catholic Church Faith Formation program follows guidelines set by the Diocese of Raleigh. It is our goal to provide a sound religious education program, catechizing our youth in partnership with their parents, allowing each child to grow in their faith. By actively participating in the Mass and developing strong Catholic traditions, a child makes a habit of living a virtuous life, thus deepening their relationship with God.


Safe Environment    Every effort is made to ensure the safety of all God’s children entrusted to us. Volunteers undergo background checks and mandatory Diocesan training. Our first level of emergency preparedness begins with communication. The completed registration form provides information that helps to address any emergencies that may arise. Families provide phone and email at registration.

Diocesan Policy      Diocese of Raleigh Child Youth Protection

  • The Diocesan Code of Professional Responsibility (1998) was re-written as the Code of Conduct for Church Personnel of the Diocese of Raleigh (PDF)All personnel, all who work and “represent the Church by virtue of office, designated position, employment or contract” share high expectations for conduct and respect for those entrusted to our care.
Attendance - Students attendance is important. When students must be absent they work at home to stay up to date with assignments. Catechists and students stay connected through email.
Class Times: Sundays 10:15-11:15*  A calendar is provided for each family

In addition to classes, all children must attend Sunday Mass. We offer 30 classes in between the two Sunday Masses so parents and children may participate in Mass together. Students absent from class must keep up with work at home.  Required meetings and retreats are announced early. In the event of serious inclement weather conditions stay safe and don’t drive. Cancellation details will be emailed.

Arrival and Pick Up:    See classroom map. Children may be dropped at the classroom door. Parents wait in the community room or outside at the playground. Hallways must be clear during class.

*If you are unavoidably late for pick up, your child will be kept safe just inside the church entrance near the bell.

Code of Conduct

The respect and dignity of all persons is valued. Students should come to class ready and willing to learn and participate. All students are expected to behave respectfully toward their teachers and fellow students. Each class posts guidelines. Cell phones and electronic devices are not allowed in class unless they are turned off and out of sight.

Dress Code: All students are expected to dress modestly and groom themselves neatly in clothes that are suitable for Church and Faith Formation. No advertisements, bare shoulders, tight or short clothing. Disruptive behavior could result in parents being asked to accompany students to class, individual tutoring, or removal from the program.

Faith and Life Catechetical Series

Faith and Life is the text for our curriculum. It includes lessons incorporating four components of catechesis: Creed, Commandments, Sacraments and Liturgy, Prayer and Scripture. The Faith and Life  series presents Catholic teaching using the time-tested ecclesial methodology and spiral development of catechesis, in a beautiful, student-friendly, comprehensive format.

Ignatius Press Resources: Faith and Life Resources 

Our program meets and exceeds Diocese of Raleigh curriculum standards.

Sacramental Preparation

We follow guidelines established by the Diocese of Raleigh and based on the Code of Canon Law. In cooperation with this we provide a two year plan for preparation for the sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation.

First Communion Preparation begins at age 6 or older in which our faith is introduced and basic prayers are learned. The second year includes preparation for First Reconcilaition and then Holy Communion early in May. Parent Meetings are required.

Confirmation Preparation begins at age 12 or older. The two year process aims to help the teenager know and love the Church as Christ's Body and the Magisterium as the sure voice of Jesus, so that the young person may be strengthened through his life in the Church to face the confusion and secularism of modern-day society. Retreats are held both years. Students must be in 10th grade by confirmation in the spring.

Homeschool Option is for families who choose to homeschool for sacramental prep. A registration form is required both years. Students will receive the sacrament with their St. Joseph peers at a special Mass. Parent Meetings are required.